vineri, 15 februarie 2008

Business plans

Medical billing is a leading business related to the health care industry. Medical billing business plans help you achieve your goals in the new business sector of medical billing. Like any other businesses, proper planning leads to a winning situation. To start a medical billing service, either in a small office or a cooperative business with other medical services, you should do a plenty of research to create a detailed business plan. Medical billing business plans guide you throughout the billing business to evaluate the medical practices that fall within your target market segment.
The demand for health services is on the increase these days. Medical billing business plans describe all the objectives and the nature of services. To help the medical community, first you have to set up a medical reimbursement consultancy, and which is equipped with all infrastructure facilities to handle diverse medical administrative functions.
Medical billing business plans help you get an overview of the entire medical billing business. They assist you in selecting the best course of action for the success of your business. Medical billing business plans also enable you to set priorities and choose the best alternatives out of a situation.
A lot of sample medical billing business plans with financial forecasting ideas required by lenders, investors, and banks are available on the Internet. These sample ready-made plans can be used to effectively set up and monitor medical billing businesses. You can also make use of the medical billing business plans software that is available on the Internet.

Business for sale

Florida is one of the most attractive locations for business investments in the entire U.S. It is one of the fastest-growing states in the country and now ranks fourth in terms of population. Florida has a lot to offer in terms of business opportunities. It has a very business-friendly atmosphere and offers very low tax rates. Because of the excellent economic status of the state, it has become a magnet for business opportunities. Are you interested in setting up your own business in Florida? If you are, then you should know that there is a wide array of Florida businesses for sale that you can consider.
Businesses for sale in Florida include franchises, home-based businesses, restaurants and buy/sell businesses. Also, since Florida is one of the country's top tourist destinations, there is a wide range of tourism-related businesses for sale. You can find these businesses for sale in various sources. Newspapers and magazines typically include advertisements of businesses for sale. You can also go online business to check sale directories and listings where you can quickly browse through and narrow down your choices.
When you have found the business you want to buy, there are some important points you must consider before buying. First you must attend to a number of state legal and tax issues with the help of your public attorney before closing the deal. You should also discuss with a tax advisor before purchasing. Franchise and excise taxes are just two of the taxes that the state imposes.
Utilize the services of professional business brokers to help you find the right Florida business to buy. A business broker or business transfer agent will also help facilitate the sale once you have decided on buying a particular business. The Internet offers substantial resources on Florida businesses for sale as well as guidelines on establishing a business in the state.

vineri, 8 februarie 2008

Award of Tax Credits to Business Firms

Tax Credit Program
I. Purpose
Act 48 of 2003 (the Act) amends the Public School Code to provide for the estab lish ment of the Educational Improve ment Tax Credit (EITC) and the Pre-Kinder garten (Pre-K) Tax Credit to be admin is tered by the Depart ment of Commu nity and Economic Devel op ment (the Depart ment). Act 48 autho rizes the award of tax credits to businesses that make contri bu tions to Schol ar ship Organi za tions and/or Educa tional Improve ment
Organi za tions and/or Pre-K Schol ar ship Organi za tions contained on a list published by the Depart ment, as setforth by the requirements of the Act.

II. Eligibility
Entities eligible to apply for EITC are businesses autho rized to do business in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania that are subject to the following taxes: Corpo rate Net Income Tax, Capital Stock Franchise Tax, Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax, Title Insur ance Companies Shares Tax, Insur ance Premiums Tax, or Mutual Thrift Insti tu tions Tax. To receive tax credits, businesses must be approved to make contri bu tions to Schol arship Organi za tions and/or Educa tional Improve ment Organi za tions and/or Pre-K Schol ar ship Organi za tions that are on the list of such organi za tions published by the Depart ment.
For purposes of the EITC, a "contri bu tion" from a business is a donation of cash, personal property or services the value of which is the net cost of the donation to the donor or the pro rata hourly wage, including benefits, of the individual performing the services. No tax credits shall be approved for activ i ties that are part of the appli cant business’s normal course of business.
III. Application and Approval

Business SO and EIO Application and Approval
Eligible businesses must submit to the Depart ment a completed appli ca tion form found in Appendix I of these guide lines, signed by the Chief Execu tive Officer or other officer capable of making commit ments for the business. A business may submit one or both appli ca tions, per type of organization that the business would like to make its contri bu tion. If both appli ca tions are submitted, the combined total may not exceed $200,000 in tax credits. The PDF format is recom mended when printing the appli ca tion from the website.
An eligible business that submits an appli ca tion to the Depart ment and that agrees to make a
contri bu tion to an organi za tion whose name is set forth on the current list of Schol ar ship Organizations or Educa tional Improve ment Organi za tions maintained by the Depart ment shall be awarded
Educa tional Improve ment Tax Credits to the extent that such tax credits remain avail able for the fiscal year in which appli ca tion is made.
A business will be approved for a tax credit equal to 75% of its contri bu tion(s) to listed organi za tion(s),up to a maximum of $200,000 per taxable year. The tax credit may be increased to 90% of the ontri bu tion(s) made, up to a maximum of $200,000 per taxable year, if the business agrees to provide the same amount of contri bu tion for two consec u tive tax years. In order to receive and retain the 90% taxcredit, the business must make the same amount of contri bu tion in each of the two consec u tive tax years.

Applications for tax credits for program fiscal year 2007-08 (July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008) will be accepted beginning July 2, 2007. Tax credit applications will be processed on a
first-come-first-served basis by day submitted. All applications received on a specific day will be
processed on a random basis before moving on to the next day's applications. Applications will be
processed until the amount of available tax credits is exhausted.
A business that has been approved for tax credits and has agreed to make the same amount of
contri bu tion for two consec u tive tax years must submit its appli ca tion to receive its second year of tax credits to the Depart ment no later than June 29 of the first program fiscal year in order to be assured that tax credits will be avail able for the second year of the contri bu tion. Appli ca tions for the second year of a two-year commit ment will be accepted begin ning May 15 and, if received by the Depart menton or before June 29, will be processed prior to any other appli ca tions for tax credits received by the Department. Appli ca tions for the second year of a two-year commit ment that are not received on or before June 29 will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis by day submitted, along with all other business appli ca tions received by the Depart ment, with no assur ance that tax credits will remain avail able at the time of processing.

B. Business Pre-K Tax Credit Appli ca tion and Approval
Eligible businesses must submit to the Depart ment a completed appli ca tion form found in Appendix I - PKSO of these guidelines, signed by the chief executive officer or other officer capable of making
commitments for the business. The PDF format is recommended when printing the application from the website.
An eligible business that submits an application to the Department and that agrees to make a
contribution to an organization whose name is set forth on the current list of Pre-K Scholarship
Organizations maintained by the Department shall be awarded Pre-K Tax Credits to the extent that such tax credits remain available for the fiscal year in which the application is made.
A business may receive a tax credit equal to 100% of the first $10,000 contributed to a Pre-K
Scholarship Organization(s) during the taxable year, and may receive a tax credit equal to 90% of any additional amount contributed during the taxable year, up to a maximum of $100,000 of tax credits per taxable year.
Applications for tax credits for program fiscal year 2007-08 (July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008) will be accepted beginning July 2, 2007. Tax credit applications will be processed on a
first-come-first-served basis by day submitted. All applications received on a specific day will be
processed on a random basis before moving on to the next day's applications. Applications will be
processed until the amount of available tax credits is exhausted.

IV. Earning of Tax Credits
Upon receipt of written notifi ca tion from the Depart ment that the business has been approved for tax credits, the business must make its contri bu tion(s) to a listed Schol ar ship Organi za tion(s) and/or Educa tional Improvement Organi za tion(s) and/or Pre-K Schol ar ship Organi za tion(s) within 60 days of the date of the letter, and must provide proof of the contri bu tion to the Depart ment within 90 days of the date of the approval letter. A business will only receive tax credits for donating to the type of organi za tion and amount that is speci fied in the application and approval letter. Proof of contri bu tion may be a copy of a written acknowl edg ment from the organization, in accor dance with EITC Program guide lines for organi za tions. For services donated to an organization but which will not be performed until after the 60-day period, the business must submit a copy of a letter sent by the business to the recip ient organi za tion, dated within 60 days of the date of the approval letter, commit ting the business to donate the services described and which must be signed and accepted by the recipient organi za tion. The Depart ment of Revenue will consider tax credits awarded under this program to be effective on the first day of the taxable year in which the contri bu tion was made.
If the Depart ment does not receive proof that the contri bu tion was made within 60 days of the date of the notifi ca tion letter, the approval of tax credits will be rescinded.
No tax credits shall be approved for activ i ties that are part of the appli cant business’s normal course of business.

V. Use of Tax Credits
Upon receipt of proof of contri bu tion, the Depart ment will notify the Depart ment of Revenue to apply the tax credits against the appro priate taxes identi fied by the business in its appli ca tion. The appli ca tion of tax credits approved may not exceed the tax liability of a business for the tax year in which the contri bu tion was made.
Additionally, a tax credit not used in the tax year the contri bu tion was made may not be carried forward or carried back and is not refund able or trans fer able.
The Depart ment of Revenue will consider tax credits awarded under this program to be effec tive on the first day of the taxable year in which the contri bu tion was made. The credit will then be used to offset (in full or part) the quarterly prepay ment require ments and the remainder of the tax due for that taxable year.

marți, 5 februarie 2008

New software technologies

I'm sure by now you are more than familiar with the fact that there are many scam artists selling online degrees. Want a quick online degree in computer technologies? All you need is a credit card or Paypal account to get an online degree in most cases. Of course, these degrees are nothing more than a piece of paper that could get you in a lot of trouble if you try to present them as real degrees. The important thing is to realize that there are many reputable educational institutions offering a degree in computer technologies online. The more reputable the institution, the better the online degree will be for a career in computer technologies.
Computers are now at the center of the world economy. Every major business and most small businesses rely on computers. Most of the employees of these institutions know little more about computers than how to use the pieces of software that directly pertain to their job functions. So when new software updates come out, new viruses come out, computer hardware breaks, new software licensing requires switching software lines, or a myriad of other problems surface, companies need competent experts in computer technologies to fix computer problems and help employees make transitions. The world is only going to go more and more in this direction, so having an online degree in computer technologies from a reputable educational institution ensures that you will have relevant job skills for a long career in computer technologies.
There are actually many different specialties available when you get an online based degree in computer technologies. You can study computer science, software engineering, computer repair and maintenance, database programming, and a wide variety of other specialties within the realm of a degree in computer technologies at the internet.
If you are already comfortable using a computer, it is relatively easy to find a specialty that fits your skills and personality. You just need to determine what those special skills are and in what type of institution you wish to work. There are many jobs available for those who get an online degree in computer technologies, working for institutions ranging from large corporations to small businesses to banks to government to forensic science labs.

marți, 29 ianuarie 2008

Credit Banking

Banks and other lending entities and companies exist for business. And since business is their priority, profit must never come out their way. All businesses regardless of its capital's size have goals to expand and earn. The system is so simple, product as equivalent to the capital, added with a percentage for profit equals business. Businesspersons always make sure that their capital is not being compromised and they are determined to gain out from the capital.
This idea holds true to credit banking and loans. The lifeblood of this business is the interest. It is where the gain that the company gets come from. However, in loans and credit banking, an amount as part of the companies' capital is being given in the form of cash or notes. This capital needs to be returned in due time to keep the capital growing and rolling. When a debtor or a credit card holder doe not pay and intentionally runs away from his dues, the interest or the gain of the company is accumulated but the capital is lost.
This is why there are secured and unsecured credits. In a secured credit, the company will ask for a collateral equivalent to the actual amount owed. In the case of a house loan, the house is the collateral for the mortgage. The collateral will later be acquired by the company and sell it to bring back the capital that was lost from the debtor.
Secured credit cards use the same system. While on house loans the house is the collateral, and in car loans the car secured credit cards use the bank account that contains the amount equivalent to the credit. By doing so, the company will not have any reason to doubt whether a creditor will pay the dues.
Secured credit cards may have lower interest rates since the capital used by the company is being secured by the amount they considered as collateral. In unsecured credit cards however, interest rates may be higher than the secure credit cards since they do not have a hold to any collateral except for the promise of the debtor to pay his dues.
Secured credit cards can be acquired in any bank near you that offers such service. In general, all banks use secured credit cards rather to facilitate more the credit procedure. The higher the deposited amount, the broader the credit limit that a bank may award. In so many cases, banks give rewards to good payer creditors. These rewards maybe in kind or in cash. Cash are sometimes added to the deposit of the creditor and need not to ask the latter of a further deposit to the said account but adding up to the credit limit.

luni, 21 ianuarie 2008

Make Money On Ebay?

Making money on eBay is a real possibility on either a full-time or part-time basis. There are hundreds of thousands who have already found this to be true, and as time moves on this number is going to multiply. The question is: are you going to become one of the many people who turn to eBay to make money? If you answered yes, you need to take cues from those who are already having success in this way.

First off, you need to decide whether you want to work full-time on eBay, or if you are going to simply attempt to make a few dollars here and there. Some people find that it is easier to start part-time before they transition into a more advanced role. Of course, you may want to go for the gusto from day one and see where that gets you. No matter what, you should have an idea of how much time you are going to devote to your new eBay business.

What type of money can you make on eBay? Well, this all depends on you, what you are selling, and your business skills. There are some people who sell millions of dollars of items on eBay each and every year. At the same time, there are others who only sell a few hundred dollars as a part-time supplemental income. Generally speaking, the sky is the limit when it comes to potential eBay income. Once you find an opportunity that suits your needs, you can then begin to figure out how you will turn it into a money maker.

Overall, there is no denying that a lot of people earn big money on eBay. If you are going to be next you need to decide how much time you have to devote, as well as what you are going to sell. From there, your strategy, skills, and dedication will determine your results.

sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2008

Bank of America

MyAccess Checking® is now free when you open an account online. No direct deposit or minimum balance required. This special offer is available only online—and only for a limited-time.1
Plus, it comes with some pretty nice extras:
FREE Online Banking Service with Bill Pay.
FREE access to our Keep the Change® savings program in which we'll match 100% of your Keep the Change savings for the first three months.
FREE Bank of America Visa® Check Card with Total Security Protection™.
FREE access to your cash at more than 17,000 Bank of America ATMs.
Opening an account online is easy and takes just minutes. Make an opening deposit of $25 with a debit card, credit card or even a transfer from another bank.

Enrolling in Online Banking or Online Business Suite is easy if you have a Bank of America consumer, small business, or business banking account. Just fill in the information below to get started.

For Consumers and Sole Proprietors
With our Online Banking service, you can be confident that your Bank of America accounts will be secure and protected. We guarantee $0 liability for any unauthorized activity originating from Online Banking, including Bill Payment. Read information about reporting unauthorized transactions to preserve your rights under this guarantee.
Information securitySafeguarding your information is a priority for Bank of America. Whenever personal information is requested or displayed on our Web site we use encryption technology, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to prevent unauthorized access to data.
Safeguarding your privacyBank of America also protects your privacy. Your personal information is never shared with marketers, including e-mail marketers, wishing to offer you their products and services. In addition, you always have the choice to opt-out from direct marketing offers from Bank of America.
On time paymentsBank of America processes payments to your designated payees on the dates and for the dollar amounts you specify. If we fail to process a payment in accordance with your properly completed instructions we will reimburse you any late-payment-related charges. See the Service Agreement for details.
Contact usIf you notice any unauthorized activity in your account, or need to report lost or stolen information, please contact us immediately by calling 1.800.933.6262.

Your responsibilities
Reviewing your account statement regularly and reporting any unauthorized activity promptly.
Bank of America promises you will not be responsible for any unauthorized activity originating from your Online Banking relationship. We will reimburse you for funds transferred from your accounts up to the amount of your loss when you notify the bank within 60 days of the transaction first appearing on your statement. If you do not notify us within these 60 days, you may not be reimbursed for subsequent transactions. Additionally, we will reverse or reimburse you for any bank or payee fees resulting from your loss. See the Service Agreement for details.
Protecting your Online ID and Passcode
You should always guard your Online ID and Passcode from unauthorized use. If you share this information with someone, all transactions they initiate with the information are considered as authorized by you, even for transactions you did not intend for them to make.
Not leaving your computer unattended during an Online banking session
It's easy to protect your information by signing off from Online Banking when you are finished with each session. To ensure cached copies of your Online Banking Web pages are cleared, always close your browser after signing off.